Do you want to get a better night’s rest? One of the best ways to improve your sleep is earmuffs. This may sound strange, but earmuffs are not only for winter! These ear covers will help you sleep more peacefully and avoid noise pollution that can disrupt your sleep cycle.

If you’re looking for other ways to improve your chess game, check out these great tips in this blog post!

Why is getting better sleep important for your chess game?
– Because your brain uses sleep to recover.
– Getting better sleep will give you more energy during the day.
– Because you can make better decisions when your brain is fully functioning.

Use earmuffs for sleeping

Earmuffs for sleeping – earplugs are great when you want to block out all sounds. You can use them in combination with earmuffs or by themselves, depending on the amount of noise that’s keeping you up at night! These little wonders will give your ears a break from outside noises while also preventing any loud snoring coming from your partner so they don’t keep interrupting your peaceful slumber.

Use a good mattress

A good mattress is important because it gives you proper support and comfort throughout the night, making it easier for your brain to relax into a state of deep sleep. This means there won’t be an interruption during the REM stage of your sleep cycle, which means you’ll feel more rested and refreshed after a night’s rest.

Don’t use your phone before sleep

Your brain’s light sensors don’t know the difference between a screen and sunlight, so it’ll think that you need to wake up as soon as those pixels hit your retina. This means less deep sleep for you, which ultimately interrupts the total number of hours spent sleeping each night.

Try eating foods rich in magnesium

Magnesium is a great nutrient to boost your brain’s “relaxation neurotransmitters” like GABA and serotonin. This will give you more of an ability to wind down at night, which can help with insomnia or poor sleep quality associated with anxiety. Try snacking on some almonds right before bed- they’re packed full of this essential mineral!

Stick to a regular schedule

It might seem like good advice: don’t go to bed too early if you want the most out of your sleep cycle! However, it’s actually better for you if you stick as close as possible to going to be around 11 pm every night so that your body has time to adjust itself properly based on your circadian rhythm. This will allow you to wake up at the same time every morning, which gives you more control over how long you spend sleeping each night.